What is Reiki?

Reiki is a powerful Japanese energy healing technique used for stress reduction, relaxation and healing with a broad spectrum of other spiritual and practical applications.

Reiki is fun and easy to learn and is proven safe and effective at supporting total wellness. Reiki sessions and classes can be used to bring healing and wholeness to an infinite array of situations. Reiki improves the life of the client as well as the practitioner. It is a powerful technique that can support your practical life, personal growth and spiritual awakening. There are truly no limits as to what is possible in Reiki energy healing.

Reiki can support mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing, bring clarity and balancing to challenging life situations and even reach into the more ethereal aspects life (past lives, ancestral wounds, cosmic events, etc.).

Reiki Training can be a powerful part of your spiritual practice and personal mastery, but Reiki is not just for healers! Reiki Training can add great depth, value and purpose to your life even if you don’t want to hang up a sign and call yourself a healer. Thousands upon thousands of people are using Reiki everyday to empower themselves, discover more peace and joy and to support their children, friends and families.

Commonly Reported Benefits of Reiki


  • Accelerates Healing

  • Reduces Pain & Discomfort

  • Improves Energy & Vitality


  • Relieves Stress, Anxiety & Other Difficult Emotions

  • Eases Fears, Phobias & Addictions

  • Promotes Peace, Balance & Relaxation

  • Improves Clarity & Cognition


  • Improves Relationships

  • Helps Manifesting & Abundance

  • Brings Clarity, Purpose & Passion


  • Ancestral Healing

  • Clears Past Life Trauma

  • Activates Chakras

  • Strengthens Auric Field


What is possible in Reiki energy healing is truly limitless. While the possibilities above are not guaranteed, we are also not limited to those on this list. Miraculous and unexplainable events are frequently reported in private sessions and classes. Spontaneous healing, profound spiritual awakening and the activation of hidden gifts and abilities are commonplace when we open ourselves up to the unlimited energy potential of the human being- especially when accompanied by the Divine Grace of a loving and supportive Universe.


Auria has 3 dedicated reiki practitioners committed to helping support your total body wellness through reiki healing. Our private schedule opens this weekend!


Auria’s next Reiki Training is March 22nd and 23rd! Click below for more info and registration!